vote16 // Sechzehn*

Art Direction
360 Campaign
Social Media

Climate change. Right-wing extremism. Education crisis. It's about the future of the young gen-eration. But according to German law, they are not mature enough to vote. Time to change that. #vote16 is a campaign against the law. Using the law itself. Because the same law that prohibits 16-year-olds from voting allows them to put their life in danger in the fire brigade, donate their organs, apply to the army and much more. The aim of #vote16 was to collect 25k signatures for a political referendum to lower the voting age to 16. The initiative developed into a social phenomenon and over 25k signatures were collected.

Influencers and politicians joined the project and stated their opinions publicly.

Khatia Nodia

Art Director

A creative with a passion in fashion & lifestlyle. Experience in 360 campaigns. 30 + pitches in the past 3 years.

Visual conceptual artist, mixed media.